Louise Bourgeois and Peter Zumthor: Steilneset Memorial: To the Victims of the Finnmark Witchcraft Trials
Louise Bourgeois and Peter Zumthor: Steilneset Memorial: To the Victims of the Finnmark Witchcraft Trials,Steilneset Memorial, Vardø, Norway - Peter Zumthor & Louise Bourgeois | Inexhibit,Architectura & Natura - Louise Bourgeois Peter Zumthor - Steilneset Memorial / Steilneset Minnested,Steilneset Memorial / Peter Zumthor and Louise Bourgeois, photographed by Andrew Meredith | ArchDaily,Steilneset Memorial / Peter Zumthor and Louise Bourgeois, photographed by Andrew Meredith | ArchDaily